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Becoming True Worshipers -
Northeastern Baptist College Chapel
The Israelites can teach us many lessons, both good and bad. For the latter, their story demonstrates what it means to fail in worshiping God. Chapel speaker Timothy Pigg...

Sufficiency of Scripture, grassroots engagement emphasized during North Carolina revival
ALBEMARLE, NC—More than 700 Southern Baptists—representing more than 40 local churches—gathered at Prospect Baptist Church in Albemarle, N.C., July 25...

CBN Launches New State Chapter in Florida
Timothy Pigg, along with other local pastors serving in the sunshine state, have launched a new State Chapter seeking to champion the sufficiency of God's Word.
Loving God with your heart and your mind.
The Text-Driven Podcast is a ministry of Fellowship Church. Text-Driven Podcast exist to equip believers to know God and make Him known through text-driven preaching and practice.
You can find articles on a number of topics such as the local church, preaching, and culture.
Events added quarterly.
Have a question about the local church or theology? You can email Timothy with your questions or if you would like to connect with him.
Lion's Den + Email
Book Reviews
Timothy loves to analyze books from a biblical perspective. You can find various Book Reviews on the Articles page. Recently, Timothy has walked through Think Biblically and When People Are Big and God is Small on his podcast.
Text-Driven Podcast

Coming February 2023
The Local Church Matters will be coming out in 2023 through Northeastern Baptist Press.

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17
Text-Driven Podcast
Text-Driven Podcast is a ministry of Fellowship Church. Text-Driven Podcast exist to equip believers to know God and make Him known through text-driven preaching and practice.

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