A quick proper methodology for interpreting scripture is this:
First a person must determine the literary context of the passage. Looking at both where the idea begins and where the idea concludes. It is important to not be too conservative here because one might run the risk of clumping too many ideas into one. This step takes a good balance a grasp of the language of your translation.
Second, one should search the rest of scripture in order to find how certain words and ideas are used in other places. For instance, understanding the sacrificial system can help an interpreter understand Hebrews more effectively.
Third, after the analysis of the text as been completed it is now time to consult other works. This is the time to use Old Testament and New Testament surveys as well as advanced or academic commentaries.
Finally, one needs to make a contextualization. No interpretation is good unless it gives the audience something to hold onto. This step however, can only be done after the passage has been exegeted clearly and the interpreter has done their previous homework.